Friday, September 18, 2009

What matters to me?

Christopher & Matthew Gutt
First is my brother Chris, on the left. He would be twenty-four, today. He has been a major influence on my life since I was young. He inspired me to play guitar; to not be a follower, and live my own life; and to look on the bright side of everything. The best advice I've ever heard came from his mouth, and I followed it and always will. He's hilarious and knows a little bit about everything. I love him more then my own life.♥ Rest in peace.

On the right is my other brother, Matt. We share the same love for comic books, Disney movies and the original Degrassi series. We also both have a really strange sense of humour. He is the only person I can 100% trust with anything. We made a band together called Vitamins and Brownies; it's pretty terrible and I think we'll never make more then one song. He's a funny one; and has the most knowledge about black and white horror movies then anyone I know. Although he is five years older then me, he is mentally ten years younger then I am.

You silly goose! Friendship is the greatest ship of all!
As generic and corny as it sounds, I know I have the greatest friends who I can always rely on. Of course, they will always be there for me; will listen to me; etc., but the best thing is they know me --for the awkward, strange and embarrassing person I am-- and actually accept that. I love them and know they will always love me, until we graduate anyways. That is why they matter to me and I wouldn't change them for the world. In this picture, is my dear friend Cheyenne hugging me quite nicely, I suppose; as well as Amanda watching and wanting to be in this loving hug.

You Will Always Be My Guitar Hero
Of course everyone loves music. They listen to it while working; while reading; while sleeping; etc. I think I just love having something to relate to and hear it from someone else in a poetic statement. Music has always had an effect on me. I grew up as that nerdy girl in the church choir when i was five and six. I loved singing, even though I have a terrible voice. Coming from a musically inclined family (my mother plays guitar, piano, clarinet; my dad plays guitar; my brother plays guitar, bass, drums; my other brother plays guitar, bass and piano) had had an impact on me. I learned piano when I was seven and continued taking piano lessons until the end of grade nine. My brother inspired me to learn guitar, and even taught me a couple of easy Ramones songs. In grade ten I took guitar class in my school and fell in love with it. Every day, more or less, I play guitar until my fingers are about to bleed and blister. I love writing music and lyrics then playing it to my brother, Matt and my mom. My brother and I made a terrible band called Vitamins and Brownies. We've only made one song and it was for my English project on a book report about a girl who was addicted to crack.; with terrible lyrics and swearing, so I didn't even use it for that class; plus the guitar was out of tune. Hopefully, we'll start again and post songs up on MySpace.

I love many different styles of music. My favourite artist is the Beatles; I love George Harrison and Paul McCartney. I like the Smashing Pumpkins, Weakerthans, Police, Sex Pistols, Operation Ivy, Aquabats, Sublime, Kid Cudi, Leftover Crack, Misfits, Morning Glory, and there's more if you click "view full profile" and go under "music", knock yourself out. :) The best music to me, is music that has a purpose. Propagandhi, one of the few good Canadian bands includes all sorts of issues, including animal rights, which makes them even better. I also love my brother, Chris's music. He's an amazing guitarist.

Lastly, I instantly fell in love with Beatles Rockband. I would be so bored without it.

I'm probably one of those girls chasing them..

Better lives have been lived in the margins, locked in the prisons
and lost on the gallows than have ever been enshrined in palaces.
I remember when I was little my brother went on and showed me disgusting pictures of what goes on in slaughter houses. I can vividly remember myself almost crying. I adore animals. I love chickens, especially the ones that have feathers on their feet, and I hate how tasty they are. I don't eat meat. I refuse buying products that have been tested on animals; or companies who test on them. I've been to a Propagandhi concert, where the money for tickets was donated to animal shelters and environmental causes. Animal rights matter to me, because I do not kill people cruelly, then eat them so why do I need to harm animals by supporting meat companies. I love animals lots, so this matters to me.

This is so bad it's gone past good and back to bad again.
I'm a bit of a book hoarder. I love books; I love reading a book then going to see the movie then realizing how much better the book is. And I love comic books. I'm not into the superhero comic books; but I love funny ones like Peepshow and Ghost World. I love comic books more because they are generally shorter and I have to use less of my imagination. Plus, Ghost World is basically how I see my own life.

Dearest food, I LOVE YOU.
As a person who eats to make herself feel better, I think food has a very important part of my life. It also keeps me from dying, which is pretty important to me.

Reese's Peaces
I've always disliked the people don't realize that there's other people besides themselves. I've realized most people I know only care about themselves. I would love to live in a world where no countries battled each other; no one was harmed; everything in the world would be okay. I would love it if anarchy was actually possible in today's society. No need for police officers, because no crime would occur; everyone would just be able to get along. All we can do, for now, is to just imagine what it would be like. I love the world; I'd love it if the environment was perfect; I'd love it if there was no terror and if everyone could just be okay; to just let people live their lives and put away these differences. I would love it if those little peace strikes would work; or even those little symbols could. That's why we have to keep pushing world trade; yet the "peace-makers" are against it. Even if there's no difference made, peace would still be nice.

It's A Small World After All
Travelling and vacations are the best. I get to try new foods; meet new people; I don't have to clean; I get to go shopping more or less everyday; there's the beach; the theme parks; the food America has, but Canada doesn't; and more. I've been going to Florida every year since I was seven. My favourite part is taking pictures with Disney characters. I'll be going to California this year, which has Disney Land, and still has Disney characters, so I'm still happy. The only thing I hate is since I'm allergic to the sun I will throw up in public, or come back tanless with people laughing at me. Otherwise, I love the new food and no school!

"He's filthy rich." "He looks quite clean to me."
Personal hygiene is very important to me. I feel disgusting if I don't shower everyday. I also care about my health; and since lots of illnesses come from germs, I pay special attention to my own cleanliness. In church, I tell people I'm sick so I don't have to shake their hands; I carry anti-bacterial gel with me everywhere; I keep one in my purse, one in my backpack and one at home. Since I care about my health, and cleanliness, personal hygiene matters to me.

I love technology, but not as much as you, you see, but I still love technology.
Always and forever.

Living in today's society, I almost completely rely on technology. I hardly glance at a newspaper for the news; I'll see it on the computer or hear it on the news. I love listening to music while I do homework, so my iPod is valued a lot by me. I use my cell phone all the time; I can't even remember the last time I used my house phone. I communicate on the computer as well; through FaceBook, MSN, Blogger, etc. I don't watch TV that often, but I do use it for Beatles Rockband; BlueRays, and more. I also use to learn songs on guitar; I use websites for my homework; for entertainment; and researching other facts. Also, whenever someone tells me something and they have no proof; I will research it to make sure that what they're telling me is the truth. That's why I love technology.

Okee Dokee Doggie Daddy!
This is my Pixie. I completely, unconditionally love my dog. She's the sweetest, most hyper and annoying thing; she's pretty much a dog-version of me. Even though she's just a little animal, I treat her better then half the people I know; and would rather see her then half the people I know. Although she can be loud and difficult, it's good to know something small and cuddly will always be there. :)

Best for Last

The lovely girl on the right is Amanda Paiva. She's dated my brother, Chris for about four or five years. She's basically the one who always saves the day. Whenever my brother Matt or I are having some difficulties, she always comes up with amazing advice; she has the best advice from being older then both of us and experiencing everything and knowing what position we're in. Amanda is like a part of our family. She knows everything about the Beatles, and every movie put out there. She's super duper funny, pretty and nice. I love her and she'll always be a big sister to me.

One Christmas, my brother got a camera and decided to test it. He made this lovely video and posted it on Youtube. It's his narration (I guess) of an episode of the original Degrassi series. Most people won't find it funny, but I burst out laughing every time I watch it; I'm even laughing in the background of the video... :)

This is the scariest movie I have ever seen. I seriously don't understand why it's a kid's movie. Movie's matter to me. I learn from them; get ideas from them; half of what I say is a quote from a movie; therefore this matters to me.