Thursday, February 25, 2010

The wise and lesson-learning story made by my best friend. There's a lesson somewhere..,maybe.

"There once was a man who had seven legs. He grew up around everyone else who only had two legs, but he never really noticed a difference. Then one day, a fat kid who goes by the name of Geoffrey went up to the seven legs man and said 'you're like an octopus with one leg cut off', this made octopus man very sad. It was that night when octopus man got very mad at the Greater Spirit. He cursed at him and threw rocks towards his direction. The great spirit then got very angry and yelled at the octopus man, 'why are you being sucha b*tch?!' The octopus man said, '...because you gave me five extra legs.' This was the time where the octopus learned the legend behind his legs. The normal two were for walking,the third for running extremely fast, the fourth gave him extra sexual tendencies, the fifth enabled him to make very good cupcakes, the sixth let him paint his toes that one extra colour, and the seventh wasn't even a leg. He was gifted with an extra long penis. This made the octopus man really happy."


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